Do folks with different viewpoints have polite discussions?
What if they support different politicians?
Some of our representatives thrive
When for each other, voters bring out their knives
Even if to their lives, it makes no difference
People use sophisticated weapons
They fire salvos via whatsapp, facebook or twitter
At just about anyone who begs to differ

But what’s really ripping-apart society?
Is it the difference in religion, ideology or ethnicity?
Or is it politicians stoking this separation?
Fanning the flames to create polarization?
Even in countries where people are similar
Politicians divide them to grab power
Appealing to their camps to win elections
Inciting violence and damaging institutions
The judiciary is compromised
Human rights supporters are demonized
Everyday interactions are poisoned
And the polarization is heightened
So how would experts end this vicious cycle?
Different leadership, reforms or action that’s international or judicial
And a decentralization of political power
Also, consideration for one another can fight the polarization monster.